dijous, 28 de maig del 2020


Abans de començar la tasca d'avui d'anglès reviseu que hageu fet la tasca de la setmana anterior:

1.- Change these sentences into negative:
- I played football yesterday. I was at school last week
- I saw a film at the cinema last Saturday
- I went to the beach on Sunday.
- I had pizza for dinner yesterday.
- I went to the beach last Sunday

2..- Write a text about what you did yesterday. 
Example: I got up at...Then I had breakfast. 
I had milk and...
After breakfast, I.........
Then, I.................
I had lunch at.....
After lunch, I..........

In the afternoon, I...........
In the evening, I.............
Finally, I......

Good luck and see you on videochat on Thursday at 11 o'clock!

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